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The Alzheimer's Conversation takes place between a person with Early-Stage Alzheimer's and his/her family while the person is still lucid and able to participate in the Conversation. The intention of The Alzheimer's Conversation is that as terribly terribly difficult it is to hold The Alzheimer's Conversation, it is much more difficult for all involved to have Alzheimer's progress and have its awful impact without having had The Alzheimer's Conversation.
Interview about facing Alzheimer's
Orit Navon, Kan Makshivim (subtitles)
Interview about facing Alzheimer's
Matan Pe'er, Channel 13 (Hebrew)
During The Alzheimer's Conversation the participants face into what is coming. The Conversation may include topics such as:
> the Journey ahead MCI~Journey
> possible shift from thinking to feeling MCI~and~MEE
> need for and alternatives in care for the person
> the immediacy of life I-Have-Now
> Dying and Living Co-existing DyLiv.Co
> planning for saying goodbyes and for closure
> religion and dementia deMENSCHia
> death planning - doula or self-doula
> view of how the physical world works Re-Resonate
> view of how death works Resonating Death
> living my dementia A Demented World
> possibility of suicide Pre-Dementia Suicide
> creating my Tombstone
> the demented Vocabulary
> participation in a Support Group (article)
> the dying-living Menagerie (illustration)
> telling the person's story (article)
..... and many more topics. And how everything fits together: It's~A~Resonating~World
The participants may choose to conduct The Alzheimer's Conversation themselves, or get help in having someone else involved in The Alzheimer's Conversation. The point is for the participants to have The Alzheimer's Conversation while they all still can.
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