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Mindfulness is the mind providing awareness and guidance
Feelingfulness is a person feeling self and surroundings
We miss much understanding
of ourselves and our world
by just thinking and not feeling
limits us to our minds
opens us to our feelings

A person's cognitive capability often defines the person, both to themself and to the people around them. This brings the methods of the mind into how the person relates to the world such as defining, evaluating, measuring, reasoning, planning, decision-making. In doing so a facts-oriented perspective is the result.

When thinking-activity is reduced a person has more all-body capacity for feeling both themself and the world around them. This releases the person to connect with their emotions and their surroundings, and raise the feeling of their relationship to their surroundings. In doing so a feelings-oriented perspective is the result.
Mindfulness and Feelingfulness
are both parts of being
A person who understands and who feels themself fully can be authentic in relating to themself and to everything around them, and act based on their true thoughts and feelings - that is, with their authentic frequencies. A person who thinks or feels based on outside influences, or thinks/feels themself partially, is not being true to who they are and does not act according to their authentic self - that is, with external forced frequencies.
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