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Pre-Dementia Suicide (PDS)
The decision by a person who is facing the horrible condition of dementia to end his/her life before reaching the dementia stage is that person's alone. This terrible decision involves many factors, and can be part of The~Alzheimer's~Conversation. This page does not advocate in any way Pre-Dementia Suicide. The author's position related to MCI/Alzheimer's is provided in the video on the left, and Pre-Dementia Suicide is discussed at 8:35-12:15 of the video. His position is that he is going to do death on his terms, not on dementia's terms. It will be hard but every choice in this condition is hard.
Interview about facing Alzheimer's
Orit Navon, Kan Makshivim (subtitles)
Interview about facing Alzheimer's
Matan Pe'er, Channel 13 (Hebrew)
The author does not advocate Pre-Dementia Suicide, has no immediate thoughts or intention of suicide, and urges anyone considering suicide to get help immediately from available resources, from the local emergency number 911, or from the national suicide hotline 988.
During The Alzheimer's Conversation the participants face into what is coming. The Conversation may include topics such as:
> the Journey ahead MCI~Journey
> possible changes in the person's behavior in areas including
emotional MCI~and~MEE or spiritual MCI~and~MSE
> need for and alternatives in care for the person
> the effect that the situation will have on all the participants
> planning for saying goodbyes and for closure
The participants may choose to conduct The Alzheimer's Conversation themselves, or get help in having someone else involved in The Alzheimer's Conversation. The point is for the participants to have The Alzheimer's Conversation while they all still can.
When is the "right" moment for PDS? This is impossible to know, and is based on the feelings / assessment of the patient and those around the patient. Two risks of PDS are early action, in which the patient loses a period of life that otherwise could have been lived, and late action in which the patient becomes incapable of carrying out PDS because dementia has set in. These and many other aspects of the situation are taken into consideration in making the decision against or for PDS.
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