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Words We're Missing

The English language is missing many words and phrases that are important when we want to have The~Alzheimer's~Conversation or speak about dementia/being demented.  Without these words we don't have the concepts, and don't have ways to relate to these topics and to talk about various aspects of dementia.  Here are some of the words in the Dementia Vocabulary:


  • MEE Mild Emotional Enhancement - an increase in Emotional capability corresponding to MCI Mild Cognitive Impairment, a decrease in Cognitive capability MCIandMEE

  • Feelingfulness - the act of focusing on feelings, corresponding to Mindfulness to focus on the mind Feelingfulness

  • Rementia - feeling Release in the Dementia process, particularly early in the process

  • Mindnoise/Lifenoise - things we don't usually relate to as noise - activities, internet, politics, culture, religion, sports, speeches, discussions, etc - that take a place in or occupy part of our mind, and may be overwhelming for a person with dementia

  • Gutweep - shedding tears not from pain or sadness (crying), but rather as an expression of strong emotions or connection with a particular situation

  • deMENSCHia - spiritual/religious references to dementia deMENSCHia

  • DyLivCo - the view of Dying-Living Co-existing DyLiv.Co

  • Self-Doula - when a person performs their own doula activities Self-Doula

  • Vayigosh - to evaluate a situation and then act to bring positive energies into the situation (e.g. when he saw his friends were bored and unhappy, he vayigoshed and started them singing together) - the word "vayigosh" is taken from Genesis 44:18

  • PDS Pre-Dementia Suicide - ending one's life while still lucid in order to not reach a state of full dementia Pre-Dementia Suicide

  • Audio Tombstone - when a life is marked through an audio Tombstone

  • Expressergies - expressing (speaking, making, writing, etc.) something for the purpose of bringing positive energies into the world (see Resonatism)

  • Resonatism - relating to the entire world as resonating energies and

  • Resonature - measuring the success of a thing, activity, or idea by how well it resonates with nature and by its impact on the Resonating~World


The Demented Vocabulary is part of The Alzheimer's Conversation

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